Blog & Shop Tips: A Round Up.
I love learning new things, especially things that help my business & helpful tips on blogging! I found several helpful posts this week around the blog world & thought I would share!
Heather of Just Lovely Things shared an incredibly easy & helpful tutorial on how to make a business link banner for your facebook page! It is just another way to brand yourself & make it easy for your followers, especially someone who just comes across your page, to find you! That way they don't have to search around, or worse, give up finding out how to reach you! Here is what mine looks like:
At the top of the page, below my name, you see the cute little buttons that say Tweets, Pins, Shop, Email, Blog. When you click on them they'll take you to a link where you can find each respective thing. :) I designed them to match my blog, another way to keep your "brand" consistent! Want to make some for your page? Head over & follow Heather's EASY tutorial!
Julie Ann Art shared a very helpful & easy tutorial on how to add a "Pin it" button to the bottom of ALL your posts! {You can see mine at the bottom of this post!}
Pinterest is an EXTREMELY useful tool for many reasons. Why don't I name some:
- You can keep track of all the pretty things you wish you had.
- Keep track of all the fashionable outfits you would wear if you ever got out of sweats.
- You can keep track of all the DIY projects you wish you had time to do.
- You can browse for hours and feel like you can have the most beautiful house, most organized studio & the most Delicious dinners!
But in all seriousness:
Pinterest is a really great marketing tool!
People can pin your blog posts, generating traffic and hopefully new followers. People can pin your DIY Projects resulting in the same things. AND Etsy now added a Pin it button to all listings so people can pin your products too! SO many people come to my shop from Pinterest!
Speaking of using Pinterest as a marketing tool, Megan of Designing an MBA has a great video about promoting your products on Pinterest!
I also read this post after Gussy shared the link. It is an extremely helpful post with 50 ideas for what to write about when you have writers block. I actually bookmarked it, as writers block frequents my mind every now and then!
Let's Review:
- Learn how to create a facebook business banner over on Heather's Blog.
- Learn how to add a pin it button to the end of your posts over at Julie Ann Art.
- Learn how to promote your products on Pinterest over at Designing an MBA.
- Find 50 ideas to write about when you have writers block at Centsational Girl.
I hope some of this helps you and your blog or shop! I would love to continue "Blog & Shop Tips Round Up" posts whenever I can!
Have anything you would like to learn how to do? Leave it in the comments, I will see what I can find!